Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 6 Xp Coins
Every week a bunch of new xp coins are placed on the fortnite map here is where all of them are.

- There is a purple xp coin in a pile of rocks near the new supermarket at Holly Hedges
- There is a gold xp coin in the whole inside of the dog house at the Any Manor landmark
- There is a green xp coin in the orange tree at Salty Springs
- There is a green xp coin next to a big rock to the west of Doom’s Domain
- There is blue xp coin inside of a blue barrel in the building to the south of the Fortilla
- There is a blue xp coin inside of the desk in the house at the weather station near Catty Corner
- There is a green xp coin at a campfire to the north of Lazy Lake
- There is a green xp coin near the lake at Stark Industries
- There is a blue xp coin inside of the house to the north of the lake at Stark Industries
- There is a green xp coin on a flipped over car to the northwest of Steamy Stacks