Fortnite 12.60 update

Fortnite Leaked Skins
There were many new things that came to Fortnite in the new 12.60 update that came out yesterday May 20th. First is that there are new leaked skins being the Renegade Shadow and Shimmer Specialist and the spectral flex and camo pulse wraps that may be coming to the item shop soon, also the Bachi, Siren, Wolf, Slurp Leviathan, Slurp Bandolette, Slurp Jonesy, and most importantly the Recon Expert have all received new styles and since the recon expert got a new style means that it will probably come back to the item shop soon being that it has not come back for about 900 days. Also In the files it say that we may be getting a new set of challenges with three free rewards that we could get if we complete them, the steel shadow pickaxe, shadow stalker glider and the shadow seal wrap.

One other announcement is that controller will be adjusted right after the FNCS Invitational Finals. The last announcement is that epic games has changes the dragacorn glider because it was too op in competitive matches and epic is giving players a free refund token if they bought it want to refund that glider.