Fortnite Brought back The Old Default Skins

A couple of item shop rotations ago fortnite brought back the old default skins. There are a total of 8 of them, 4 female and 4 male. You can buy all of the female ones for a total of 2,000 vbucks and all of the males for 2,000 vbucks. The cool thing about all of these skins is that all of them have a style for the default that were in season 0, because back then all the defaults looked different. This applies to all of them except for Jonesy because he never changed since when he was in season 0 and then when there were actual seasons. The other style is the one that you could wear back in chapter 1. All in all I kind of feel like it is weird that we are buying skins that used to be free to wear but this also probably means that we will never get back the old defaults. You can also but the old glider from chapter 1 for 500 vbucks but it looks very boring and plain so I don’t think that it is worth buying it.