New Dragon’s Breath Sniper In Fortnite

Recently the new Dragon’s Breath Sniper was added to fortnite. Since it was shown in the Season 5 Chapter 2 trailer people were wondering what weapons it is and when it would come out but now that it is here people are really happy. The first way to get this weapon is by going to the houses near the weather station close to Craggy Cliffs. There you will find the Blaze NPC. If you then you need to talk to her and buy the Dragon’s Breath Sniper with your gold. Once you do you will se that it is pretty sick. When you shoot the sniper the bullet will have a fire trail behind it that makes a really cool effect. Also the gun has a nice lava and dragon scales theme to it kind of like a wrap on any normal weapon. But the coolest thing about this weapon is that when you shoot any builds it it it will set them all of fire until the fire runs out. This can be the most helpful if all the builds are wood because they are the easiest to break with fire. So this weapon in a way is really similar to the Dragon’s Breath Shotgun that you can just get from chests and NPC’s and it is not a an exotic weapon But what is better with the sniper is that it can shoot builds and set them on fire from a longer distance than the shotgun. Si all in all this new exotic weapon is pretty cool.